Do you feel sometimes tired, irritated, sad without reason, bored, drain and lost your energy?
Mom's depression is real.
If you're a mom feels the same way.
Can I give you a virtual hug?
Can I say to you it is ok, it is normal, you're not alone?
Believe me, I've been there and I really don't know if any time, any hour of any day that depression will attack me again.
But let me tell you first what is depression?
Depression is the action of lowering or passing something down. Psychiatric meaning a mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also a feeling of inadequacy and guilt, often accompanied by a lack of energy and disturbances of appetite and sleep.
Melancholy, unhappiness or sadness
There is the moment that we discern those feelings and we have to get out immediately.
As the light and source of energy in our home, we need to be strong and fight those self battle.
Maintaining our enthusiasm as a mom is very important.
Being enthusiastic in everything you do is not only liking
We love our family right?
So here are the Tips from me and I personally do it. Because it is normal for me to get enthusiastic about everything I do. Especially being a mom and wife. I believe that is my first job and calling bless by the higher force.
1. GOD
You have to believe we have God.
We have our back and he would not send us in any kind of situations that we cannot deal and pass by. We need to pray and ask his blessing every now and then.
You can talk to him anywhere, anytime, he will listen. Turn your worries into a prayer.
Just like writing diaries journaling is writing your personal experience within the or the reflections on the article you already read. The lessons you may get and the accomplishment of the day to day activity. Write everything you are grateful for. Maybe a small achievement like "I've done general cleaning, cooking your husband's favorite, teaching your son A, B, C. Or the alphabet. These would help to release your depressions and for sure reading all your writings when times of loneliness will get back your enthusiasm.
We need also a break from our house chore activity to sit for a couple of minutes just to inhale and exhale. Give yourself to read messages on the phone and take a look at the trending news within our country. Or join Give Away raffle or promo online. Winning groceries and some other stuff for your home will lessen your stress and depressions too.
Here is the group of mom who joins online raffle you can also join with them:
Playing around with your kids is the best thing you can do if you're starting to burn out, let all your errands, stop face with your kids without worry and give all your time and focus to him. Start talking and play and learned nothing beats with the moms and her kid bonding.
Friday night is our date bonding with my husband. I'll make sure my son will sleep early to prepare our date night. With 2 bottles of beer or wine if having a budget some snacks and the downloadable movie are some of the best tips I can give. If you allow and give time for your bonding you can have also me time to talk with your obstacles and feelings this week your husband trials and experience at work you can have the best outlet to refresh your mind.
Those are some tips that personally work on me. We have different situations, but I hope sharing these would make sense to somebody.
Pray, hope and don't worry about one of my favorite Saints. Get up Moms don't be stock you have a lot to offer, you are great we are great! You will win these battle Depression is normal, but don't stand there for a long time. GET UP!
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